Queue Jumper


SKU: queuejumper Category:

I will continue to do random selections and shoot with people, so don’t think this is the only way to shoot now.

I still intend to continue shooting this project on a free / profit share basis, but its taking a toll on my pocket to work through everyone, especially as more join the queue all the time and I’ve yet to get the artwork selling side of it to be profitable.  Buying a queue jumper allows you to simply avoid waiting and shoot sooner, by paying the cost yourself you’re not waiting on the random name picker drawing your name out of the hat.

Once you have made your payment via PayPal by adding this to your basket and checking out, I will be in touch to arrange when we can get you into the studio. I still have to arrange shoots in 2 or more back to back, so it will be a case of working out when works for all parties, but would be as soon as possible with schedule and studio availability allowing. If for any reason we couldn’t find a date suitable then I’m more than happy to refund you in full and let you wait on the random picker still, or if you’d like to message me to discuss options of dates before paying that’s fine too 🙂  Please note, if you need to cancel with less than 2 days notice before the shoot booking time once it has been arranged, or fail to attend without notice, I will still be charged the full booking fee by the studio therefore the queue jumper would be none refundable.  Any shoot needing to be re-arranged with more than 2 days notice will be arranged no problem to a time and date suiting both model and photographer.

Hopefully by shooting queue jumpers and also the ones I am still arranging myself, then I can offer shoots to everyone faster and you get some awesome images of yourself with less of a wait, and I get more images for the site to sell as artworks.

And even if images of you never sell, I think £30 is really quite reasonable for the shoot considering you get all images back in black and white, and colour for your own use (the number of images returned rests entirely on how you rate them for editing, and how many you reject but typically most models end up with about 100 images)

** Please note that due to a recent reduction in queue jumper price, i am very busy and even with a queue jumper it’s likely to be a couple of weeks till your shoot. Feel free to discuss possible dates with me before purchase.

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